
School Choice without Vouchers
The School Choice movement wants to change only one
thing: PARENTS choose a school, instead of forcing kids into a
government monopoly school.
Keep it Simple
In the present system your child's school gets paid for each
day s/he attends. There is nothing wrong with that. Don't create
vouchers people need to qualify for; make it work the way government
schools get paid now. The money simply needs to follow kids to
whatever school their PARENT chooses. Our model
legislation puts child-centered public funding ahead of
school-centered funding.
Control Government
buys other services from the private sector, why not education? We do
not prohibit Medicare funds from buying services at private hospitals
when your grandfather needs heart surgery, why pick on schools?
Answer: The government education monopoly wants control.
Is there any reason why you should not control the education
dollars for your own child? We can't think of one.
U.S. Education - Dead Last
Before the 70's our economy was based on the
automobile, but a complacent automobile industry failed to make
changes. Japanese cars invaded, and canceled our dominance. The
resulting outflow of dollars to Japan devastated our economy. That
outflow is about to start again, this time to pay high salaries to
well-educated workers overseas.
In 1983, A
Nation At Risk urgently recommended reforms in education warning
"...the United States is under challenge from many
quarters". In 1997 the Third
International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) documented our
last-place ranking in the world. Today we're at greater risk than
ever. John Taylor Gatto, New York Teacher of the Year, reveals
the shocking origins of our forced
public education.
Exported American Jobs
The Government Education Monopoly continues to imperil
our economy by failing miserably at preparing the workforce. Business
increasingly looks for talent overseas. The world's greatest
concentration of PhD's is in Seoul, Korea and half of Americans can't
even find Seoul on a map. Microsoft India taps Indian programming and
engineering skills with 83,000 certifications issued in 1999. In 2001
we imported 331,000 H-1B
professionals, half of them with PhD's. Those numbers are growing at
an alarming rate. Unless we re-tool education, there is a strong
likelihood that America will get overtaken in education the way we did
in automobiles. Jobs will go to foreigners because they are better
4Choice Mission
- Develop simple, understandable, effective legislation
so the public will demand enactment.
- Promote that legislation among legislators and Choice groups.
- Debunk the myths and specious negative campaign of the
government education monopoly.
- Coalesce groups favoring Choice.
- Identify the best research available, and link
to it.
What You Can Do
Some Suggestions
(click on these links)
- Tell teachers the "Big
Secret" unions don't want teachers to know:
Education Week proved Choice works to benefit teachers.
- Distribute copies of our Choice Plan and
the School Choice Act model legislation that
follows these principles, so people can make an informed decision
for Choice.
- Alert everyone that International
Test Scores prove we're in a crisis.
- Read our article on why
"Vouchers" are a bad funding mechanism.
- Read Choice Kiwi-style - New
Zealand's overwhelming success that began in the 70's
- Get a documented expose' of what went wrong from former N.Y.
Teacher of the Year, John Taylor
- Read collected
works of education's greatest thinker.
- Visit the Milton
& Rose D. Friedman Foundation. Their best-seller Free to
Choose formed the basis for ideas in our plan.
- Read Quintin Quade's Essays
on Educational Choice,
- Learn what your state is doing: CEO
America summaries, Heritage
Foundation details & statistics.
- Browse hundreds of articles chronicling the movement at School
Reform News
- Form an activist organization like Independent
- Search
the Web to learn more about "School Choice".
- Help others (especially teachers) get informed. Share
information on reforming education at churches, clubs, and work.
- Discuss School Choice with friends (it is an interesting
subject, and Choice affects us all).
- Call, fax or eMail notes to State Legislators giving your
reasons to support School Choice.
- Tell federal officials, your congressional representative and
senators, to keep the federal government out of our schools.
- Read the actual June '02 supreme
court opinion stating for the fourth time that School Choice
has no first amendment problem with religious schools.
- Read Joel Turtel's book Public
Schools, Public Menace
- Provide Homeschool
information like this.

A member of the
URL: http://4Brevard.com/choice/
hosted by 4Brevard.com
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