What We're Learning From
a/k/a Corona, SARS/COV2, Wuhan Flu
Those who do not learn from their mistakes are condemned to
repeat them.
Don't be misled by Fake News from the DeepState and "fact-checkers".
Share to help everyone understand how to stay healthy and fearless. Take these
actions if exposed, or sick.
Give this Disclosure Form to
your employer NOW, in anticipation of imminent Forced Vaccination.
Religious exemption covers all school kids.
For legal help go to AmericasFrontlineDoctors.org/legal
Worldwide study shows Ivermectin
pill safe and effective for prevention and treatment.
Innoculation no longer needed.
Remdesivir is a death sentence, but remains The
Protocol forced on patients in most hospitals.
We typically add our latest discoveries at end of each section.
- We don't know what we DON'T know. Challenge your own beliefs. Be careful
of "experts" & doctors who speak with great authority,
but whose training lacks latest research in nutrition, gut microbiome,
genetics, vaccines, immune response.
- "In an abundance of counselors, there is wisdom." These
researched links present broad education in REAL science, beyond
Pharma/government/media doctrine/propaganda.
Your Immune System
- Focus on building your IMMUNITY.
- We must take personal responsibility for our OWN immune system.
- Nurture your gut, not your belly!
- We each need to learn more about our gut microbiome that contains 80%
of our immune system.
- Stop chasing one virus or another, and prepare your immune system to
handle ALL attacks and variants.
- Two-time Nobel Prize Winner Dr. Linus Pauling: “You can trace every
sickness, disease and ailment to a mineral deficiency.”
- Even Hippocrates (father of medicine) said "All disease starts in
the gut." (lack of good nutrition)
- Be careful not to kill beneficial viruses, bacteria, and fungus or your
gut microbiome and immune system will suffer.
- Biological Engineers estimate 280 trillion viruses in you, and your body
is DESIGNED to keep the bad ones under control.
- Biologists estimate 3 billion viruses per ounce of normal seawater. They
are no all bad.
- Children build their immune system with exposure. (remember ChickenPox
- Non-government Epidemiologists
say exposure to diseases when your immune system is young and able to
purge it quickly is preferable
to getting it later when your immune system is less capable (like measles,
mumps, chicken pox when we were young).
- Exercise! Large muscles (butt/thighs) release anti-inflammatory
immune-protective mytokines
per Nature Reviews.
- New hypothesis suggests that people who did not have various childhood
diseases have a greater incidence of chronic diseases.
- Dr Axe's book Eat Dirt,
discusses training your immune system.
- Infections may play a paradoxical role in cancer
development with chronic infections often being tumor precursors and
acute infections being antagonistic to cancer.
- Epigenetics studies suggest that your microbiomes control which genetic
predispositions get switched on.
- We need to nurture our immune system by cutting sugar and carbohydrates,
and supplementing with vitamins and minerals that are no longer in our food.
- New research indicates a SINGLE microbe may be responsible for making a
nutrient bioavailable. What happens if you kill it?
- Fungus
mycotoxins can destroy your microbiome. Fungus thrives on sugar and carbs.
- Antibiotics
and steroids can destroy your gut microbiome; use only in extreme cases.
- Doctors over-prescribe antibiotics without warning patients of dire
consequences. Antibiotics kill bacteria; flu is a virus.
- Med school does not adequately train doctors on nutrition science.
- Researchers greatest pique is that the medical community embraces OLD, and
rejects new research.
- Doctors practice Medicine, not health. They typically treat symptoms, not
causes, as admitted by PhysiciansWeekly
- Doctors naively rely on Big Pharma influenced sites that disparage any
natural medicine or its advocates as quacks. Believe Pharma at your peril.
- Social sites admit they remove
and discredit competition for Big Pharma drugs.
- The biggest Wuhan Flu death-risk factor is obesity. 45% of American adults
are obese (evidence of a bad microbiome and diet).
- Your immune system is designed to prevent bad pathogens (attackers) from
entering your cells and replicating.
- Vitamins A, C, D (partly from sunshine), Selenium, Niacin B3, Iodine, and
Zinc boost
the immune system.
- Dr Mercola reveals why Selenium and Niacin make Zinc more
- Preventatively, Green Tea (quercitin and EGCG) helps Zinc get through
cell walls to fight renegade viruses. Mechanism
looks similar to HydroxyChloraQuin.
- In early Feb 2020 Dr Michael Savage pointed to a 2014 study confirming
Green Tea as a natural booster, because quercitin is a potent antiviral in
its own right.
- Quercitin is also in
apple peel, and may aid brain health neurogenesis (rebuilding).
- Video on why Vitamin
D and other nutrients are critical to your immune system (starting
minute 30). Another meta
analysis. There are many more in their notes.
- The worst enemy of Vitamin D in your blood is High Fructose Corn Syrup per
same doctor/professor in meta analysis above.
- Dr
Lee Merritt, Former president Assn of American Physicians and Surgeons
says Vitamin D is critical to your immunity. Focus there first. Blood levels
should register between 80 - 100. Get tested.
- Chronic inflammation leaves you immune-compromised. Turmeric is the best
anti-inflammation herb you can put in your mouth. See Dr
Axe and more
- It is not the Covid virus that kills you, it is your body overreacting to
it with inflammation and clots.
- Inflammation and
poor microbiome underlies most disease. Dr Martindale MD, PhD in nutrition
says Cipro is the #1 cause of c.diff sepsis, kills 75% of gut diversity in
12 hours, leaving you vulnerable.
- Intravenous Vitamin C at 10g is routinely given to Wuhan Flu patients in
hospitals to calm the cytokine storm inflamation.
- Cross-immunity
from related corona viruses may be why many infected people are not
symptomatic, and 95% of prisoners show no symptoms.
- Countries south of the equator (summer) initially had markedly lower
deaths per million population, suggesting sunshine (vitamin D &
ultraviolet) limits infection.
- Malaria-prone countries sell HCQ over-the-counter, and have (up to 90% in
sub-Sahara Africa) lower incidence of Covid.
- Staying indoors is counterproductive. The sun provides ultraviolet light
that kills germs, and stimulates your Vitamin D production.
- Flattening the curve might prevent overwhelming hospitals, but prolongs
the curve and destroys the economy. It set the stage for recurrence in
October 2020.
- We will have a recurrence next season because this flu was not allowed to
run its natural course says eminent epidemiologist Dr
- ONLY immune-compromised people need to limit their contacts with possible
disease carriers. Dr
- On May 7, 2020 I finally found someone who tested antibody positive. After
being required to test by employer, and with underlying health issues, she
remembers having a dry throat a month ago.
- Food service employees should wear face masks during flu season, and
receive annual infection control training.
- Telemedicine is convenient, and reduces cost when appropriate.
- Dr Shiva, PhD Microbiology Engineer, explains
your natural immune system, how vaccines work, why mRNA may be dangerous.
- Dr Shiva diagrams how mRNA
works, how to understand what is going on, and a newer Systems Approach to
- Social Distancing and fear negatively
impacts your immune system. Science
Magazine 1988 and Dr.
- Ventilator intubation causes a reaction called Cytokine Storm that
overwhelms the immune system and kills. Less extreme measures are the
Standard of Care, but get reimbursed $20k less by government.
- Dr Simone Gold, ER physician, America's
Frontline Doctors. Their video
summarizes treatment issues and what you must know to stay healthy and free.
- Dolores Cahill, Immunologists, Molecular Genetics, Biotechnology at World
Doctors Alliance joins in warning COVID has effective treatments. Stands
against fake plandemic.
- Women of childbearing age should NEVER take an experimental substance.
ZERO testing was done, not even on pregnant rats.
- Dr Michael Yeardon, former head of a Pfizer research team, warns that mRNA
targets a spike protein very similar to placenta.
- Testimony
of couple with extreme reaction to mRNA
- Courageous Virologist Dr Judy Mikovits says Pine Tea (Suramin) is a potential
antidote for those who took the jab.
- Why would anyone take an experimental shot against a disease that is 99.9%
survivable, that has many proven interventions?
- We have excellent interventions and immune boosters, so informed doctors
& scientists say no inoculation is needed.
- Ultraviolet C-band light is used in operating rooms and in A/C systems to
sterilize air and surfaces.
- UV-C is required in federal building A/C since the Anthrax scare in 2001.
- Scientists are exploring 220nm wavelength UV-C to not penetrate skin or
eyes, but still kill germs on surfaces.
- Work is underway on an LED
that could produce tuned UV-C220 on cel phones.
- Lancet medical journal retracted their still-quoted May
22 article against HCQ, and admitted on June
5 they could not verify results.
- JAMA published a fraudulent study
where 2.5 times the lethal overdoses of HCQ was given, alleging HCQ doesn't
work. Criminal investigations ensued in Brazil. Dr John Campbell cites details.
- One persistent talk show host and practical doctor (Hannity & Oz)
saved more sick people (by introducing HydroxyChloraQuin HCQ) than
government and the medical establishment combined!
- Yale epidemiologist, Harvey
Risch MD, PhD presented evidence 7/23/20 that HCQ is the key to
defeating Covid and the medical profession violates its oath declaring
- HCQ (from quinine for malaria) has 91% success rate, with zero
risk in practice, pre & post exposure, but Fauci, the Press, and
DeepState Pharma demonizes it.
- HCQ is a lysosomotropic agent under investigation for wide
application including cancer, hypertension, hyperglycemia.
- HCQ has a 65-yerar safety record and FDA approval for arthritis, malaria
and lupus,
and is very inexpensive.
- HCQ is used in many countries to prevent malaria. Their Covid numbers are
extremely small.
- HCQ is so effective as a preventive (400mg/wk), President Trump took it
regardless of hyper-criticism. He became slightly sick after getting shamed
into quitting,
- Leading physician Dr Valadimir Zev
Zelenko first proposed HCQ-Zinc-Azithromycin protocol that President
Trump took.
- Many other world leaders now admit to taking HCQ prevention.
- NIH Virology Journal endorsed HCQ prophylactically for SARS & Cov-1
- On July 27 a large contingent of courageous PRACTICING DOCTORS advocating
for your CHOICE to use this 40-yr SAFE lifesaving intervention, got their
press conference BANNED
by mal-practicing non-doctors at Tweetie, FB, and UTube.
- A July 30 interview
with Stanford lawyer and ER Dr Simone Gold, founder of Americas Frontline
Doctors discusses political fraud against HCQ.
- Dr Simone Gold
got fired for prescribing HCQ and zinc. Hospital protecting their financial
- Dr Gold was fired
August 2 to send a warning to anyone who challenges the #DeepState.
- Charlie
Kirk interviews nine of Americas Frontline Doctors on tyrannical,
statist overreach.
- FTC tyranny against doctors
getting superior results using Vitamin A,C,D,Iodine, plus nebulized
hydrogen peroxide and iodine.
- Masks are not benign. No studies prove effectiveness. People ignorantly
feel it gives them control.
- Masks increase touching the face, which puts germs where they get
- Dr Jerome Corsi's free eBook alleges that Fauci has a financial interest
(as previously proven) in the next vaccine, and works to stifle any
- Natural Cures for Killer Germs, Dr Cass Ingram 2004, analyses the last
pandemic and predicted COVID2019, showing that Oregano kills coronavirus.
- Ingram says "Natural substances, made by a Power that is
unfathomable, offer hope for humankind against plagues of its own making".
- Dr. Richard Bartlett says this $200 inhaled
steroid, Budesonide, stops symptoms & deaths 100% when given
- NAC dietary supplement was ordered
off shelves one month after a report touting effectiveness against COVID
- Scientists are investigating colloidal/ionic silver as a virus
killer. Silver inhibits
replication. You can kill
virus, bacteria, fungus, I do.
- In 2006 colloidal/ionic silver was found to effectively
deactivate human coronavirus 229E (a virus linked to SARS) in 2 hours.
- Fearful of a loved one's insistence on vaccination? Get a copy of the
package insert for informed consent, and read it! Shocking.
- Get HCQ now (as malaria prevention for a pending trip to Honduras), so you
can start taking it IMMEDIATELY if symptoms arise.
This absolves the doctor from tyrannical wrath of FDA. Fill prescription at
a LOCAL compounding pharmacy, NOT a chain.
- Many studies show Ivermectin
effective in the prevention, virus, and inflammation stages due to multiple
methods of action.
- Outpatient Primaguine, Clindamycin, and HCQ was 100% effective when
started within 3-4 days of symptoms
- Dr Valadimir Zelenko protocol treated thousands of patients with no deaths
in last 7 months. Excessive autoimmune response kills.
Video: Remdesivir
is deadly. Thank you Dr.
Bryan Ardis. You have never seen a short video like this! This is genocide
for money and power.
How to Stop Big Pharma From
Killing You! includes important links.
In clinical trials, Deadly Remdesivir had a 50% acute kidney failure rate.
So in midstream of the trials, FDA criminally allowed manufacturer Gilead to
cut out deaths from the outcomes statistics, claiming the deceased did not
complete the study. Kidney failure causes the lungs to fill with fluid.
Instead of naming the CAUSE, it is negligently diagnosed as "Covid
Pneumonia" and not attributed to Deadly Remdesivir. Vancomycin makes it
Yet, Fauci, who had a financial interest in Deadly Remdesivir, quoted the
study without mentioning a 54% mortality rate when he used it to advocate for
Deadly Remdesivir as the first treatment approved for for Covid, on 5/2/20,
devoid of even one peer-reviewed clinical trial!!!
This information was known when Deadly Remdesivir was prescribed for
President Trump. Was it an attempted assassination? Maybe we'll find out in
Science Magazine details the corrupt
events leading to approval. Lancet had previously published a Chinese
study on 4/29/20 stopped early because of adverse events reported in 102
(66%) of 155 Remdesivir recipients versus 50 (%) of 78 placebo recipients.
Gilead charges taxpayers $520 per vial. With a double-dose the first day,
that totals $3,120
for the 5-day treatment.
Fauci lies and corruption extends back to AZT and AIDS as chronicled in Off-Guardian.
Even the W.H.O. recommends against Deadly Remdesivir.
Lacking diligence, doctors & hospitals, and the medical industry,
blindly and negligently prescribe Deadly Remdesivir. Are they and the Press
criminally liable for suppressing the alarms? Corrupt legislation that exempts
"vaccine" manufacturers from liability may not have included this
intervention. All may be in legal jeopardy. Hopefully, they will wake up, stop
listening to Fake News, do do some RESEARCH, starting on this page.
IVERMECTIN -- proven
On June 7, 2021, I had to stop thinking "Ivermectin is just for
multi-million dollar horses". We too can be "Healthy as a
People in Egypt Bangladesh, Argentina, India, Peru, Brazil, and Paraguay
have been successfully and safely using generic Ivermectin in 3.7 Billion
doses, for many years, against parasites, dengue, Zika, HIV, yellow fever.
Researchers now study its anti-cancer
In Bangladesh there were NO INFECTIONS recorded among the
788 health care workers who took weekly Ivermectin prevention, whereas 58% of
the 407 controls became ill. Studies of severely ill patients are equally
rightfully bragged about Ivermectin's safety record (click to enlarge insert)
-- until the patent ran out. It was on the W.H.O .list of essential
medications, and won the developer a Nobel Prize. Now Merck claims it is
unproven! Big Pharma's partners at FDA refused to run large-scale studies of
effectiveness on COVID strains because by federal law, that would revoke the
Emergency Use Authorization on Pharma's experimental dangerous DNA
If you take an anti-coagulant blood thinner like Cumadin, Warfarin, maybe
Plavix, Eliquis, Xarelto, etc. do NOT take IVM without a prescription. The
interaction could cause serious bleeding.
Looks like criminal collusion to block the world from assisting our natural
immune system in preventing a wide range of diseases. Huge worldwide
meta analysis includes safely in pregnant women, children, and infants. It
gives doctors all they need to prescribe a preventive routine for your family.
The study was first published 4/22/21. Keep an eye on how long Pharma is
able to ban this paradigm-shifting news from mainstream press. Demand
prosecution of the cover-up leading to serious injuries and death.
Two 0.3 mg/kg doses of Ivermectin 72 hours apart and repeat the dose
monthly is common. My wife and i called immediately, got prescriptions, filled
them at a LOCAL Compounding Pharmacies. Or check goodRX.com
where it is advertized at $31.62 for 20 tablets of 3mg . Telehealth
visits are as low as $20, and get prescription within the hour.
Mexico now requires prescription. In Brazil each 6mg tablet costs 18
cents over-the-counter.
Notably, one dose prevention was not found to be protective in this
study. Based on both their study and the Egyptian prophylaxis study, the
All India Institute of Medical Sciences instituted a prophylaxis protocol for
their health care workers where they now take two 0.3 mg/kg doses of
ivermectin 72 hours apart and repeat the dose monthly.
Doctors: Mechanism of
Action. On 2/11/21 NIH dropped
opposition to Ivermectin in bureaucratic terms: "insufficient data
for the COVID-19 Treatment Guidelines Panel to recommend either for or
against the use of ivermectin". Crooked Media has STILL not
reported it.
Update 7/29/21: FLCCC
strongly endorsed with dosage
Save lives. Blue Insert above shows 365 times
safer than Tylenol. Help people dispel their fear, improve their overall
immune system against multiple diseases and "variants", and reject
the jab,
If you distrust ALL pharma meds, use Duck-Duck to search
"anti-malarial Wormwood (artemisinin) in coffee".
Personal Actions 
If you have close contact with anyone who is sick, use the preventive
protocol I follow when exposed to grandchildren who picked up some bug at
- Don't touch your face. Take a shower & shampoo, and put clothes in the
- Spray colloidal silver in eyes, snort into sinuses, spray under tongue.
- Get in the sun! Disinfect car, phone, keys, wallet, anything on your
person. I use Silver and UV-C light, you can use Lysol or disinfecting
- Boost immune system with higher doses than normal of Vitamin A, C, D,
Zinc, green tea, turmeric.
- Eat or drink Oregano leaves, or oil, or Oregacyn
to kill possible virus in the stomach.
- Above all, reject fear, reject the virus, and do not take mental ownership
of it (NEVER say "I have [any malady]").
- If you have a relationship with Jesus, thank Him for God's Word that says
"No weapon formed against me shall prosper".
If feeling like you have flu, here's what I would do:
- Take charge of my health by studying; never defer my decisions to doctors
constrained by regulations.
- Find a doctor more concerned about my health than fear of lawsuits for not
following official "Standard Of Care".
- Take an extra dose of Ivermectin immediately.
- Use a nebulizer, or vaporizer hourly to get colloidal silver deep into
lungs hourly.
- Immediately use my prescription for HCQ (purchased as "malaria
prevention" for a pending trip to Honduras), plus give to my wife &
kids. This absolved my doctor from tyrannical wrath of FDA. We filled
prescription at a LOCAL compounding pharmacy, NOT a chain.
Search: "hydroxychloraquin online prescription" here,
or Telehealth visits, or MyFreeDoctor.com,
or on a non-Google search engine.
- Consider getting a new doctor if prescribed an antibiotic which kills
crucial bacteria, not viruses, in the gut microbiome immune system.
Doctors are required to follow this "just in case" protocol not
backed by latest science.
- Research whether I should reduce my intake of 1 tsp turmeric, and when to
resume or increase it to manage inflammation.
- Take supplement N-AcetylCysteine (NAC) for phlegm prevention
- Demand a prescription for Budesonide if lungs still start to get
- Welcome the fever (up to 104 degrees). It helps your body heal.
- Eliminate all sugars, fructose, corn syrup.
- Hospitals follow protocols that kill many patients. See Deadly
- Ask doctor to take this Masterclass
on SARS COV2 to be sure I get valid advice.
- Realize getting tested is not a badge of honor, you will probably get a
false positive on fraudulent PCR. Just get healthy.
- The inventor of the PCR test warns
it creates too many false-positives at the 40 cycles recommended by FDA.
- Video
of Fauci July 2020 admitting PCR test over 35 cycles amplification is
unreliable, just dead nucleoids
- German courts ruled PCR test creates 96% false positives.
Vaccines (the jab)
- Vaccines (weakened pathogens) seemed to work for smallpox, but don't work
for flu viruses because they mutate quickly. Flu vaccines are produced
according to a "best-guess" of what strain will be prevalent next
- Smallpox worked because it does not infect animals as a repository for
- Corona viruses are native to chicken eggs. Flu vaccines are grown in
chicken eggs.
- Seasonal flu has a vaccine, yet flu kills 45-65,000 in the U.S.
every year.
- By late June 2020 there were 243 Covid19 mutations. You cannot inoculate
against all of them.
- Medical schools spend 1/2 day on vaccines. Your doctor is likely ignorant
of latest research.
- George Washington was killed by well-meaning ignorant doctors.
- Harvard Pilgrim Health Care report found that less
than 1 percent of vaccine adverse events were reported in VAERS.
They are now actively suppressed.
- Vaccines contain neurotoxic mercury as a stimulator but call
it a preservative to avoid disclosure.
- EPA classifies Mercury as hazardous waste at 200 parts per billion in
liquid. 50,000PPB is the mercury concentration in most Thimerosal-containing
vaccines; 250 TIMES more toxic than HAZARDOUS WASTE!
- Dr. Exley shows vaccines
contain aluminum to stimulate the immune response; and mechanism by
which it invades your BRAIN.
- Aluminum is acknowledged as an ingredient by
FDA and in Congressional
testimony attempting to eliminate religious exemptions.
- There are still NO placebo-controlled, double-blind studies to prove ANY
vaccine is safe, yet they get approved.
- Government has NO studies of vax versus non-vax children. The skewed
control group gets dangerous adjuvants and additives.
- America's Frontline Doctors Whitepaper
on this Experimental "Vaccine"
- Debate between liberal attorney
Alan Dershowitz and Robert F. Kennedy, Jr - Scathing expose of fraud,
corruption, and mandatory vaccination.
- Early Polio vaccine CAUSED 40,000 infections. W.H.O. admits half the
worldwide polio cases today are vaccine-induced.
- If you already had Covid, why is government insisting you get
"vaccinated"? What other ingredients does government want in your
- Don't believe us? Read the mandatory-disclosure pamphlet that accompanies
vaccines (they are banned on corrupt social media).
- Is it acceptable to just fortify your immune system and intentionally get
a mild case of Covid to obtain a Certificate of Compliance? Why not?
- Doctors were coached by Jacobson at Mayo clinic to persuade rather than
inform patients resisting vaccines.
- Pharma is the biggest campaign donor to CONgress - by far.
- A special
declaration in COVID-19 PREP Act created a new immunity from suit
and liability under Federal and State law.
- Pharma has NO liability for most vaccine outcomes; taxpayers pay for
tragedies after victims sue the "Justice" Department in a secret Vaccine
Court that shields Pharma with sovereign immunity.
- Virologist Whistleblowers from Merck filed suit, but kangaroo Vaccine
Court is a prerequisite
to seeking relief in a traditional suit, Reuters reported stonewalling,
of story/
- Between 2006-2018 7000 claims resulted in 5000 payments.
- The vaccination Trust Fund has paid over $4billion to injured parties per
Congressman Bill Posey. (He gets ZERO
contributions from Pharma).
- The January 2021
version of National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP) Vaccine
Injury Table states reasons why COVID "vaccines" are NOT included
without mentioning that mRNA are not even a vaccine, by definition.
- FDA says "Get compensated under the Countermeasures Injury
Compensation Program (CICP)".
- Over 113 vaccine developers were indicted, and $33Billion paid in fines
for falsifying data, bribing doctors, and lying to the public.
- Vaccine DANGERS, National Vaccine Information

- Dr. James Lyons-Weiler, PhD
vaccine and Covid-fraud research
- Vaccine danger per internist and kidney physician Dr
Suzanne Humphries
- Liberal icon Robert
F Kennedy, Jr exposes behind-the-scenes corruption.
- Doctors revealing corruption.
- CDC guidelines specify 30 vaccines in 70 doses for every child (some
administered before immune system develops) without regard to individual
physiology or toxic mercury & aluminum ingredients.
- Childhood vaccine exemptions vary by state. See chart.
- I applied to be a test subject in order to get their 28-page Informed
Consent Form. Shocking.
- Clinical trials exclude anyone who is not PERFECTLY healthy; and if anyone
dies, they are removed because the departed "did not complete the
study". See Deadly Remdesivir.
- The British National Health Service warns against giving Pfizer jab to
people with a history of significant allergic
reactions, and the drug should only be administered "in facilities
where resuscitation measures are available."
- Will a doctor note suffice as exemption from inoculation? Can doctors
exempt themselves? No.
- A Pentagon readiness study revealed 36% increased likelihood to get Covid
if you had a flu shot.
- Pathogenic
Priming (a/k/a ADE Antibody-Dependent Enhancement) can cause
enhanced adverse reactions to wild virus after getting a vaccine. Ferrets
and cats that got SARS-1 vaccine all died when exposed to wild virus.
- Potential infertility caused by this DNA modification affecting
synctiotrophoblast layer on placenta needs more exploration.
- Which vaccines are grown using aborted baby cells made immortal
(cancerous) so the cell can live in a lab environment?
- A growing number of doctors warn that mRNA is not really a vaccine, and
does not prevent transmission. So what is really in it?
- Dr Tenpenny - Science behind why
mRNA is critically
dangerous - mRNA eventually encodes all your cells with the spike
- DeepState can use gain-of-function chimera viruses and vaccines to change
your DNA. NIH article on VMAT2
the "God Gene".
- DeepState defenders label as "Conspiracy" a leaked 2005 Pentagon
Briefing Video - Dangerous
proposal to use a Virus to modify behavior of
religious fundamentalists (of which I am one).
- Hydrogel nano-lipid technology creates an envelope around the reverse
transcripting enzyme to keep your immune system from killing the injected
- Prevent Disease is a valid Stage 4 vaccine testing outcome. Merely
"Producing Antibodies" (the FDA standard for mRNA) is not.
- German nursing home deaths over age 80 increased 4 to 8 times since the
- Renowned vaccine developer Geert Bossche, risks his career to warn that
mRNA destroys your
natural immune system.
- Double-vaccinated are now 60% of patients who need ER or ICU
- Research Doctor Bridle on COVID Vax: "We Screwed-Up. We didn't
realize the Spike Protein is a TOXIN"
that spreads to the brain, heart, ovaries, etc. Spike protein, on its own is
the cause of the vascular, neurodegenerative, problems.
- Prestigious Salk Institute article
shows The
COVID Shot Spike Protein is Dangerous. It binds disrupted ACE2 molecular
signaling to artery mitochondria (every cell's power center), causing damage
& fragmentation.
- Reiner Fuellmich leads1,000 Lawyers and 10,000 Doctors in filing a Lawsuit
for violations of all 10 articles of the Nuremberg
- Google the words PubMed.
MagnetoFection Is that new technology in the jab?
- Dr Jane Ruby exposes connection between magnetoFection
and PCR test manufacturer
- Studies say SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome) is actually a denial of
vaccine injury. Do your research.
- Dr
Vernon Coleman was first to recognize that when spike proteins cause
blood clots, it depletes clotting factor, causing bleed-out.
- Inventor
of mRNA warns about injection dangers in most alarming comprehensive
video on this website.
- Multiple labs confirm the Covid virus has never
been isolated anywhere in the world. Complete fraud!
- Dr Andrew Kaufman on Infowars
7/27/21 timestamp 2:55:00 explains fake testing. The PCR EUA application
is being withdrawn because when it expires, there is no basis for approval!
No PCR validation studies exist. No diagnostic test has ever been compared
to the NIH "Gold Standard" which is VIRUS ISOLATION (which still
does not exist). Instead computer models produce inconsistent
"variants"). Covid genome sequencing is also theoretical.
- Work to protect this fundamental right: Any
discrimination on the basis of Vaccine Status is prohibited.
- Florida and other states say they can FORCE vaccinate you "by any
means necessary".
- Government and the Press completely fail to focus on building natural
- The focus is on compliance - first masks, and ultimately the innoculation.
- There has never been such a massive propaganda campaign in the history of
the world to do anything like "Get Vaccinated". That alone is
- The 2020 worldwide death rate is .014 which is exactly the same as prior
flu years.
- The jab is "voluntary" - until it isn't. You
can now be vaccinated by any means necessary. Read the law.
- How can we protect ourselves against mandated "Vaccination
Certificates"? See insert box. Use this Disclosure.
- The objective of the biggest propaganda/advertizing campaign in history is
to get people to demand a "vaccine", then demand YOU take it too.
- Repetition is the most potent propaganda tool.
- People rely on TV "experts", their own limited experience,
government, and the Press instead of doing their own research, even on
life-sustaining issues. You are reading. Congratulations on your diligence.
- Shaming and Virtue Signaling works to bully low-information people into
- Government gets corporations to enforce rules that would be
unconstitutional if mandated by government.
- Hospitals will require doctors, staff and vendors to get vaccinated, even
if they have the Covid19 titer (antibody sufficient to repel attack). What
is REALLY in the jab?
- The inoculation will wane, and viruses will mutate. Boosters will
facilitate increasing access to your DNA.
- There is no pandemic exception to the Bill of Rights according to the
first of many Deprivation
of Rights lawsuits to come.
- "NO" is government's most potent power, justifying Draconian
shutdowns, destroying dreams, livelihoods and savings.
- CDC and FDA fight for bureaucratic control regardless of overwhelming
evidence of effectiveness of re-purposing HCQ, a cheap 50-year-old
proven-safe medicine.
- Swine flu 2009 infected 500 times more people without a worldwide
- CDC estimates were intentionally high (projected 2 million deaths vs
250,000 normal flu season) to create panic, and now falsely portrays itself
as hero.
- Governments ignore good science and dictate edicts so they can appear
compassionate and in-control.
- Politicians who claim compassion to save every life will escape
accountability for their psychological and economic disaster by blaming
federal guidelines.
- Dr Ben Carson, head of HHS, says "This
economic crisis is intentional"
- Virologist Dr Judy Mikovits in her
book Plague of Corruption, and video Plandemic accuses Fauci and NIH of
extreme corruption in autism, AIDS, and Corona.
- Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has done nothing to cure
or PREVENT disease since its inception in 1942. They just study, and block
competition for Big Pharma by controlling funding.
- FDA intervenes to stop
remedies compounded at pharmacies so Pharma can sell branded medicines
- CDC refuses to do ANY comparisons of vaccinated vs un-vaccinated children.
It would confirm higher incidence of vaccinated infections and deaths.
- The CDC and FDA actually INHIBIT rapid development of preventions and
cures, especially those based on nutrition.
- There is no funding to verify which NATURAL cures and preventions work.
Not patentable = no funding. This must change.
- Taxpayer funds should focus on nutrition and natural cures over drugs that
benefit Big Pharma. Stop subsidizing Pharma's research, fund doctoral
studies in NATURAL medicine.
- Why are there no intensive studies on colloidal silver, oregano, turmeric,
black pepper, pro-biotics, pre-biotics, or neurotoxic aluminum & fluoride?
Researchers say they must be independently funded, or wealthy, to pursue
investigation because university sources get cut off. We must fix this.
- Privately funded world-renowned aluminum researcher Dr.Chris Exley, was shut
down by Gil Bates.
- Do natural substances, made by an unfathomable power beyond the human
realm, offer hope for plagues of our our own making?
- Georgetown University found an oregano compound proved superior
to Vancomycin against drug-resistant staph.
- Drs. Fauci and Birx are Deep State shills for Pharma, who fail to educate
taxpayers on building a strong immune system through good nutrition.
- Fauci leads a political agenda for shutdown and Universal Mandatory
- Fauci peddled death estimates of 2 million from discredited Imperial
College London that estimated deaths of 200 million from Bird Flu where a
few hundred died.
- Whistleblower Dr Judy Mikovits, PhD
was jailed after discovering deadly virus delivered thru vaccines. Expect
her to be demonized by Deep State.
- Intense testing makes industrialized countries (U.S.) cases look much
higher than other countries. Use tests per million population as a
- Subsequent tests of infected patients got counted as additional cases.
- Watching statistics, it is obvious that cases should either show up as
deaths or recoveries in 15 days or so. Recoveries were seriously
- Doctors report getting bullied into adding "suspected COVID" to
death reports like shootings and car accidents.
- Diagnosis and deaths are boosted upward by financial incentives to
hospitals that get $13,000 for a COVID diagnosis, and $39,000 if the patient
is put on a ventilator.
Whistleblowers complain that records got "doctored", a criminal
act (Died WITH vs. Died FROM).
- Deaths in Democrat-controlled states are 3x greater than those in
Republican states. Stats below
- The Villages (at 123,000, largest over-55 community in the world ) did not
close outdoor activities, had ZERO admissions for COVID. Contrast with
Democrat Cuomo in New York that
1. forced nursing homes to take infected people, and 2. drove stats upward
by forcing folks to 'stay indoors'. Accountability is deflected.
- As of July, up to 81% of U.S. Covid deaths were in nursing
- Censorship against real remedies resulted in financial rescue of drug
companies, and removal of the oldest Americans from Social Security - by
death. .
- DeepState marshaled the forces of government to protect BigPharma.
- NY governor admitted May 7 that 66% of new patients were sheltering at
- Democrats deliberately took the wrong health measures, to prolong shutdown
and damage the Trump economy.
- Cal governor (with low incidence) threatened martial law. Most Democrats
did the wrong thing, despite lack of a big problem.
- HCQ is non-prescription in malaria-prone countries. Governors and
bureaucrats in the U.S. are criminally and morally corrupt for prohibiting
HCQ prophylaxis and intervention.
- A small virus mushroomed into a partisan media attack on the spectacular
Trump economy.
- Wuhan Flu then morphed into training sheeple to accept, even demand,
Universal Mandatory Vaccination.
- Schools and employers will mandate vaccination. This is a Civil Liberties
- "In an abundance of counselors, there is
wisdom". But Trump listened exclusively to Fauci and Birx,
not superior
- Virus tracing is the latest excuse to Expand
the Surveillance State
- Forced Contact Tracing capability is included in the latest iPhone update
- CONgress proposed The TRACE Act HR6666
to allocate $100billion for Forced Contact Tracing
- The China instituted a mandatory phone app that controls the freedom of
its citizens, constantly tracking the location of each cell phone and
comparing it to the proximity and health of those nearby. The owner’s
ranking must be displayed before entry into public spaces. It even dictates
if they are required to quarantine for weeks.
- NIH's phony tests will administer Budesonide inhaled steroid too late to
"prove" it doesn't work.
- In late August CDC was forced to admit only 6% of deaths were purely
Covid. Statistics are inflated.
- Investigators in August estimate 72% of Covid fatalities were a 'pull
forward' of those who would have died later in the year.
- Deaths resulting from lockdown (postponed diagnosis & treatments,
suicides) needs serious investigation.
- Peruvian
Appeals Court decided that Chinese Coronavirus is the product of a
"criminal elite around the world", making Gates, Soros, and
Rockefellers criminally liable.
- Title 18 USC Section 242 prohibits Deprivation
of Rights under Color of Law with severe penalties. Lawsuits will be
filed against governors, mayors, and judges for illegally closing &
restricting businesses, preferential treatment, prohibiting lawful assembly,
requiring unhealthy masks, etc.
- Florida Senator Joe
Gruters proposed SB364
to Prohibit government discrimination on the basis of personal health
information (vaccine status), but employers are still allowed to stomp on
your personal freedom. It was windowdressing; he did not even work to get a
companion bill in the House.
- Greg Glaser is a health freedom lawyer in California focused on Health
- Persecution
of truth-tellers, and a doctor working to help those injured by the jab
- New England Journal of Medicine: The current status of these mRNA is
EXPERIMENTAL and therefore prohibited by the international Nuremberg
- Researchers grow increasingly concerned about "shedding" that
reduces sperm, erection, and interferes with menstruation even in those who
refused the jab. Mechanism under investigation.
- On May 11, 2021 Fauci admitted to Congress that only
60% of his staff had been "vaccinated". What are they afraid
- Federal law says Emergency Use Authorizations are only legal when there
are no alternatives, and the use is less risky than the disease. The EUA
should have been revoked once these facts developed. It is now illegal and
must be revoked.
- Academic researchers charge that CDC should have looked to Harvard for a
more accurate DNA profile used to identify COVID19.
- Antibiotic
corruption and incompetence at FDA has increased bacterial & microbe
resistance, leading to the next global health crisis.
- Emails reveal Fauci is actively covering
up outsourcing illegal gain-of-function research to the people most
likely to use it against us.
- Court prohibits NY hospital from denying
Ivermectin. Patients recovered quickly. Lesson: Never let tyrannical
hospitals and judges dictate your health. Ask family to smuggle the meds, or
revoke the Authorization to Treat that you signed.
- Follow cardiologist Richard M. Fleming, PhD, MD, JD smoking-gun criminal
evidence that US government illegally conducted, and funded, chimera
gain-of-function research in China after warnings. This violation of
Biological Weapons Convention Treaty is greater than Nazi Germany.
- After years of off-the-shelf use in Mexico, Ivermectin is now restricted
to prescription so people can't get it easily.
- Whenever there is a lull in the fear, a new stressor emarges to rekindle
- The "vaccine" is voluntary - until its NOT!
- Florida's Religious Exemption is simple - you sign a form at the Health
Department. Full
explanation and map of exempt states.
- Criminal
complaints filed in Germany charge intimidation and forced vaccination
by military and nursing home. Whistleblower
documents 8 of 31 seniors dead 14 days after Pfizer/Comernaty vaccination.
- Dr. Fleming calling for Nuremberg-type
trials for crimes against humanity. Fleming defends
attacks on him by Pharma.
- Call your representatives and educate them. Demand action, not
- You generally have 3 years (2yrs if death, 8yrs for newly-covered
incidents) to file a Vaccine Injury Compensation Program claim. This is a
gold mine for lawyers, so be careful to choose a
true champion of our cause. Only hire a vaccine specialist recommended by Americas
Frontline Doctors
- FDA confiscation of private
Ivermectin shipment from India. Receiver lost $280 on 300 pills.
- Orange County Florida bureaucrat Dana Dotson 407-254-9954 campaign
against religious exemptions.
- CONgress got stampeded into FEAR (False Evidence Appearing Real) Wuhan flu
is like every other flu says many epidemiologists and virologists.
- CONgress bought votes by sending money to retirees, and welfare
recipients, and those already on unemployment, whose income was not
- CONgress cannot be trusted to put Americans interests ahead of buying
re-election with taxpayer money and burdening our children and grandchildren
with unconscionable un-payable debt.
- CONgressional Democrats insisted on funding non-COVID "pork" in
order to earn kickbacks that fund campaigns. Republicans did not object, so
$1 trillion became $2.2 trillion.
- CONgressional extreme borrowing ($25Trillion admitted) will enable 7
Federal Reserve governors to control the entire country by dictating policy.
By raising interest rates back to normal 6%, they can confiscate 100% of
federal income tax.
- CONgress demonstrated eagerness to avoid accountability by agreeing to
voice-votes, while lacking a quorum, to vote on the biggest $2.2 trillion
spending bill in world history without even reading it.
- CONgress, and especially Pelosi (3rd in line to presidency) failed to make
ANY contribution to SOLUTIONS, preferring to snipe at President Trump.
- CONgress irresponsibly preferred to divert money to their theaters,
museums, and political insiders instead of $2 billion to protect the
vulnerable electrical grid that could plunge America into darkness for years
with an ElectroMagneticPulse bomb, or solar flare EMP.
- Congressman
Crenshaw video details the worldwide timeline of discovery and actions
taken, debunking lots of Fake News, false criticism.
- CONgress is shirking its responsibility to investigate criminal violations
of prohibitions on chimera research, production of bio-weapons, and
traitorously giving the technology to China (the country most likely to use
it against us) to circumvent our laws (NIH grants RO1A1089728 &
- China exported multiple flu epidemics due to unsanitary dangerous customs,
and vermin they eat.
- ANYONE arriving from China during flu season (Oct to Feb) should be
medically screened, then checked again in 15 days.
- Chinese Communist Party prohibited Chinese travel in & out of Wuhan,
but allowed international travel (430k to U.S.) AFTER they discovered the
- A community of Chinese in north Italy broke out the first major infection
upon returning from a major holiday in China.
- We were over-reliant on China for essential medicines, and components of
critical products. Supplies can be cut off.
- 100% amino acid similarity to a bat virus means it was reverse-engineered,
not natural. Best documentary vid on origin
at Epoch Times.
- Shi Zhengli (the bat lady) headed the Wuhan lab Chimera virus research
that made it human-compatible (Chimera was a part-human Greek god).
- China began destroying evidence Jan 1, six weeks after first discovery.
- Was World Health Organization (WHO) complicit in China delaying this first
notification by 6 weeks?
- Shocking CBN video Outbreak
exposes Dr Shi Zhengli (the bat woman) who runs the Wuhan lab doing
dangerous weapons research that would be illegal in the U.S.
- Dr. Lee Merrit, BioWarfare expert, explains her belief that America
is currently facing biological
- Tucker Carlson reported Aug 3, 2021, China paid NY Times $100k/mo to write
favorable articles. Paid $20mil to LA Times, Chicago Trib, Wash Post,
Twitter. Politico hired a full-time CCP shill.
- The Deep State is testing the limits of Americans compliance; we are ripe
for dictatorship. Count the sheeple wearing masks.
- Microsoft's international Patent
wo/2020/060606 filed in the World International Patent Organization on
3/26/2020 "Cryptocurrency system using body activity
data" (like vaccination status). fits the Revelation 13:17 Mark
of the Beast. To download click the Documents tab and Initial
Publication. I was skeptical because the 666 reference is so obvious, but
this is REAL.
- Watch as Congressman Posey gets Fakebook to admit
censoring vaccination safety info.
- Fauci's career is dotted
with ethics, safety controversies inside NIH.
- Dr Scott Atlas,
Hoover Institute at Stanford disputes outrageous abuses of statistics, used
to instill irrational fear.
- Dr Jay Bhattacharya at Stanford, Md and PhD in Economics originally warned
of hype.
- American & German lawyer Reiner
Fuellmich documents planned worldwide use of false fear to develop
government ability to eliminate dissent.
- Proposed forced morality
pills (like fluoride in water) or Universal Mandatory Vaccination to
ensure compliance.
- Fauci and Collins (at NIH) cannot show ONE warning about the
gain-of-function bioweapon they funded in China. A huge and growing body of
evidence shows a criminal cover-up of crimes against humanity.
- The Press uses language designed to increase FEAR (False Evidence
Appearing Real).
- Covid19 is a scarier name than Corona, SARS2 or Wuhan flu. Press renamed
- The word Virus is scarier than Flu. Press insisted on it.
- The Press makes no attempt to offer statistical perspective, in fact they
push a panic narrative by using statistics wrongly.
- You can know this is a manufactured crisis because, with the exception of one
excellent article in AARP, there is ZERO focus on building immunity.
- COVID19 is a media-generated FRAUD. Fauci, in the New England Journal of
Medicine, originally said the death rate would be one-tenth of a percent,
akin to the annual flu.
- New Stanford & USC antibody data shows an infection rate 50-85 times
greater than previously reported; therefore the fatality rate is about
one-tenth of a percent, similar to seasonal flu.
- Press hype destroyed the worldwide economy, is creating untold
alcohol/drug addictions fear & deaths due to depression.
- Media used to tell both sides, because people demanded balance. Now labels
any information as "Conspiracy Theory" that does not agree
with their story.
- Rahm Emmanuel infamously said "You never want a good crisis go to
waste", you can get away with things that would otherwise get
- Irresponsible Media burdened future generations with crushing debt rather
than allow the Trump economy to get Trump re-elected.
- Stop giving credibility to "Fact Check" sites that are cleverly
worded to cast doubt on valid counterpoints to Mainstream Media, Big Pharma,
and Deep State.
- Social Distancing is a farce. Taiwan with 24 million people has 7 deaths,
Japan 124 million people 1000 deaths, Singapore 12 deaths.
- Dr Richard Bartlett will be demonized and disparaged by Big Pharma, Deep
State, and Democrats for bringing inhaled Budesonide to our
- Shamefully, Russia TV carries more
truth than Fake News in America. Link exposes myths.
- Roger Ails at Fox News admitted 70% of their ad revenue came from Pharma.
He would NOT allow any of his shows to speak against vaccines.
- "Resistance is futile" may apply to Borg, but not to Americans.
There is still a core of alert patriots who will not yield to dictatorship.
- The most educated people are TRAINED into a worldview of compliance and
conformity to achieve success. Occasionally someone breaks free of
groupthink to relentlessly pursue TRUTH.
- Liberals who learn to discern Fake News half-truths & deliberate
omissions, and begin their own research, are turning away from their
formerly trusted sources by the millions.
- The biggest lie is in what the Press OMITS.
- Critical thinking requires us to examine the "Pandemic" premise.
Easily available statistics show the 1968 widespread flu affected 500 times
more people without a shutdown.
- After the fall of the Soviet Union, psychologists marveled at how people
disliked the freedom to make decisions, they preferred government tell them
what to do.
- Americans have been unwilling to hold complicit experts, government,
academia, and media accountable for demonstrably bad advice and edicts, and

- Figures don't lie, but liars figure (and misuse statistics).
- As I wrote in Fundamental
Liberalism "TRUTH has no agenda", but sheeple "willingly
accept authority as truth, instead of truth as authority."
- Hitler said: "If the lie is big enough and repeated frequently
enough, people will believe anything."
- Sheeple bullied into wearing masks (especially driving & jogging)
exhibit a compulsion to demonstrate their conformity by Virtue Signaling.
- Sheeple have no desire to find or understand data.
- Sheeple no longer know how to search for or discern truth, gullibly
relying on BIASED fact-checkers.
- Sheeple submit to fake news and rely on "experts" rather than
look at data themselves.
- Sheeple listen to TV personalities and one-sided "experts",
never demanding counter-opinions that used to be presented.
- Sheeple give up freedom for safety; and get neither.
- Sheeple are now afraid of healthy people.
- Sheeple gleefully dismiss any evidence labeled "conspiracy
- Sheeple are vying to prove themselves virtuous, by competing to impose
increasingly ridiculous ineffective "safety" measures.
- Quarantine is when you restrict the movement of sick people; tyranny is
when you restrict the movement of healthy people.
- Americans are well-trained to accept Universal Mandated Innoculation
Patented technology includes an injectable tracker to certify compliance
before travel & gatherings. Gill Bates, World Health Organization, and
the United Nations endorse the population control possibilities which proved
successful in Africa and got Bates expelled from India and 21 other
countries. (FB censors posts against B.G.).
- U.N. forced to admit Bates' vaccine
causing polio in Africa. Half of all infections worldwide are from the
- Decide NOW - What you will do when mandated to take a jab or Microsoft
tattoo to keep your job.
- Learn how to Defend
Your Legal Rights.
- Gil Bates funds 10% of the W.H.O. budget and he mandates mercury-laden
vaccines in Africa that wreck people's immune systems.
- The Bible says "Do not forsake the assembling of yourselves
together." There are no exceptions to that, but Christians and
their pastors have demonstrated willingness to submit to panic rather than
trust Jesus and rebuke satan's disease and lies.
- Psychologists say masks are damaging, creating phobias, especially in
- Some people seem to like wearing the mask because it allows them to hide
behind it.
- You might say "It is a felony to wear a mask while carrying a
weapon" Then smile. Carry the sword of truth.
- You actually can say "I cannot wear a mask for medical reasons."
HIPPA regulations prevent anyone from inquiring further.
- Charis worldwide Bible School, attacked
by Colorado, pushed back toward liberty in their lawsuit.
- "Unvaccinated" are increasingly afraid of mutants whose
compromised immune systems are now highly susceptible to diseases, and whose
spike proteins may be causing strange phenomena (especially sexual
disfunction) in people near them.
Still to be Learned:
- You cannot spend your way to prosperity.
- Why was W.H.O. monitoring Wuhan so closely that an alert was issued after
just 44 flu infections? Was China aware of dangerous research?
- Inadvertent activation of a bacteria/wheat gene thru recombinant DNA
caused unintended effects. How will it caution us against Chimera research?
- Which politicians coached Fauci to re-characterize seasonal flu as a
1. In New England Journal of Medicine published
Feb 28 Fauci wrote " ...more akin to those of a severe
seasonal influenza (which has a case fatality rate of approximately
2. Just 12 days later, on March 11, Fauci testified
to CONgress "... 10x more lethal than seasonal flu."
- Investigate the implications of COVID
PATENT #0060257852 filed Nov 2006 by Chiron Corporation at the
U.S. Patent Office covering virus, testing, and remedies. It would appear
section [0172] violates the current law. "The invention also
includes a method for creating an attenuated SARS virus comprising mutating
a SARS virus by adding, deleting or substituting the viral genome...".
- Patents protect financial gain. Why would someone patent a virus kit
containing virus, detectors, and remedy?
- Did Chiron create a Chimera virus predecessor or COVID19?
- In October 2014, the US government imposed a moratorium on federal funding
of Chimera research. Was it violated?
- Nature science journal Nov 12, 2015 posted a warning from Simon
Wain-Hobson, a virologist at the Pasteur Institute in Paris on research
dating back to 2013 saying, “If the virus escaped, nobody could predict
the trajectory”. Once released into the environment, viruses
cannot be recalled.
- Richard Ebright, molecular biologist and bio-defense expert at Rutgers
University said: “The only impact of this work is the creation, in a lab,
of a new, non-natural risk,”.
- Senator Ted Cruz series Wuhan Cover-up Episode 24 revealed
admission by NIH of a 6-yr $3.7mil outsourcing of Fauci-authorized
research to EcoHealth Alliance, that would be illegal domestically because
making CHIMERA (partly human) viruses is prohibited in the U.S. That amount
of money would buy anything and anyone in China.
- COVID19 is a chimera (manmade human-spliced ) Franken-virus
- Was the Deep State complicit in creating the virus? Did Fauci initiate the
research? He DID circumvent the Chimera prohibitions.
- Why was outsourcing done in China, the country most likely to use
bio-weapons against us? Treason?
- Did Obama fund Chinese researchers in violation of longstanding
prohibitions on who was allowed access to weaponizable research?
- Should Fauci & Birx, be criminally prosecuted?
- Is Gil Bates the #2 funder of the World Health Organization as a means to
sell his vaccines thru Universal Mandatory Vaccination?
- Ethical
considerations of Chimera research.
- Why would any human allow themselves to be injected with substances no
scientist fully understands, on hope it might prevent sickness their body is
already designed to combat?
- Are asymptomatic people KEY to "herd immunity"? Our body is
designed to develop defenses against infection. If asymptomatic people pass
a LOW viral load to anyone, their body learns to develop strong immunity
that NO VACCINE can produce.
- Did God realize we weren't sharing sufficient germs and then invent
kissing? ;-)
- Why does UTube repeatedly delete Dr Daniel Erickson, (owner of 7 emergency
care facilities) expose' on corruptly-induced panic?
- Why do UTube, Fakebook, Google, and Tweetie get immunity as a public
platform, yet delete, warn, degrade, shadow-ban, demonetize authors and
articles they disfavor?
- What effect will President Trump's May 28, 2020 Executive
Order Preventing Online Censorship have on people publishing the
- Why did Johns Hopkins censor their own researcher who published stats
showing same total deaths as prior years, but huge decreases in every
- Why does government pay huge premiums for Covid diagnosis? You get what
you pay for - more cases reported.
- How did all these
stories get buried by Legacy Media?
- Will Merck buy and bury this likely
cure for HPV that threatens their $7billion Gardisil vaccine?
- Will blood (& organs) from a mutant donor (jabbed with the spike
protein) be transplantable to a :non-vaxed: recipient without inciting an
immune rejection? Currently vaxed donors are rejected.
- Microbiology tech advances proceed without ethical restraints barring
likely damage to our DNA and freedoms.
- Will an international tribunal #Nuremberg2 prosecute Gates, Fauci,
Collins, Zingli and others found complicit in genocide?
- Who will be prosecuted for negligently prescribing Deadly
- How will society protect millions of orphan children from being raised by
the corrupt government that caused this crisis?
On a lighter note, if we stop shaking hands during flu
season, which do you prefer?
- Elegant Bow from the waist
- Elbow bump
- Fist bump
- Salute
- Head nod
- Wave
- Sign of the Cross
- Yoga namaste (praying hands)
- Raise chin and say w'sup
- I object, continue handshakes

The somewhat reliable statistic is deaths, because infection reports are widely
variable. depending on depth of testing, era, method, country, state.
However, instead of reporting just those who died of COVID, doctors
complain of pressure to include people who died with or were
"suspected" to have COVID to boost reimbursement.
Reports of falsified testing are rampant. People who failed to show for tests
got letters stating they were infected.
Fox35 in Orlando found 300 labs reporting 100% positive, but it barely raised an
Flu name
Worldwide Dead
Deaths Per Million Population
1918 Spanish Flu (Alaska) |
50 mil. |
27,000 |
1957 Asian flu |
2.5mil |
862 |
1968 Hong Kong |
2.5mil |
708 |
2009 H1N1 |
363,000 |
53 |
Typical Seasonal Flu |
450,000 |
100 |
COVID 2019 Wuhan |
452,000 |
58 Jun 18, 2020 total |
For perspective: Worldwide deaths by abortion each year is 40-50 million.
Liberals call that a choice, yet they conspire to deny you the choice of using
Using stats I extracted from Worldometers
May 14, 2020, we see it is 3 times safer to live in a state with a Republican
governor. It may be they are focused on residents, and less on creating chaos.
Cuomo in NewYork has 1,417 deaths per million, Florida, with a older and larger
population has 89 deaths per million. Who do you want making decisions for you?
As of May 14, 2020 |
Deaths |
Deaths per Million pop |
Republican Governors |
24,662 |
132 |
Democrat Governors |
62,513 |
300 |
"My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge" Hosea
4:6 NKJV
"... For your merchants were the great men of the earth, for by your
sorcery all the nations were deceived." Revelation
18:23 NKJV
The word translated SORCERY is pharmakeia
in Greek. This prophesy looks highly relevant to today.
"If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to
all liberally and without reproach, and it will be given to
him." James
1:5 NKJV
"Wisdom is the principal thing; Therefore get wisdom.
And in all your getting, get understanding." Proverbs
4:7 NKJV
Psalm 91 is a
powerful standard in God's love-letter, the Bible, that serious Christians
believe, stand upon, and receive as their protection. At a large revival
in Tampa on May 23-30, 2021 the assembly was asked how many people had
experienced COVID19. Not one hand went up.
Good Sources for Understanding:
Wikipedia Influenza (unless it got changed since this writing).
sort by deaths per million and notice that currently (other than tiny
populations) the 3 highest death rates (as of May 4, 2020) in the southern
hemisphere are 51, 41, and 32 per million. Summer! It will probably rise in
their winter. Contrast with Belgium at 665 per million, the U.S. at 193 and
sunny Florida at 62. Don't shelter, Get outdoors!!!
Eminent epidemiologist, Professor
Knut M. Wittkowski
Dr Shiva, MIT Biological Engineer,
focuses on immunity, and views the body as a designed system.
Much-maligned by Deep State, Dr
Rashid Buttar exposes shocking truths. You decide.
Great wisdom of Dr VernonColeman.com
from the U.K., the first to explain why we see simultaneous clots and bleeding.
I will add to these lessons as you contribute comments and
evidence. Thank You.
Richard Webb is a researcher, not an MD or PhD, and this information is not
medical advice, and is not intended to treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Use
as a springboard for your own research. We recommend no controlled substances
whatsoever, We sell nothing, and take no revenues from any source. This is
a curated collection of research from reliable Web resources, combined with
experience and discernment of many experts. New content added several times a
Click the links and do your own research to confirm what I wrote to help you. If
you find more studies, or have useful information to help others, please send me
your comments.
this page : 4Brevard.com/corona.shtml